a year ago
DISH Reservation push notifications and App banners improvement
- 🚀 New:
Welcome to build V1.20.6 - the one with the charming DISH Reservation push notifications. You're excited, we're primed and while normally we don't like being "pushy"...they're swooshing over to an account near you very soon!
We've updated the app for fearless iOS17 & Android 14 pioneers who took the plunge. We were busy making some little tweaks in the background so that you won’t notice a thing.
- 🔧 Fix:
We eradicated a pesky bug that was gnawing away at our DISH Set PIN feature. Did your saved email contain capital letters? Who cares? Not your PIN that's for sure.
- 🌟 Updates:
The app banners got a nice little polish to make sure they're even better than ever before.